海普制盖2000年6月发源于美丽的海滨城市烟台,现已拥有烟台海普、德阳海普和泸州海普三家制盖基地,员工2000余人,总资产5亿多元,具备年产各类中瓶盖10数亿只的能力,连续多年被评为3A级信用单位。 海普制盖在国内开发高端彩印铝盖、铝塑组合安防盖、全塑组合安防盖,现已拥有各类专利50余项;2004年被授予山东省"专利明星企业",2005年成立了业内仅有的技术中心,2006年被授予"高新技术企业",同年受中国包装联合会委托主持编制了国内制盖业"组合防伪盖"的行业标准,2008年获批烟台市"瓶类封装工程技术研究中心"。2011年,烟台海普和德阳海普分别获批烟台市和德阳市企业技术中心。十余年坚韧的努力使海普发展为国内具规模、具创新能力、具发展潜力的制盖企业。 海普是国内制盖业系统通过质量管理体系(ISO9001:2008)、环境管理体系(ISO14001:2004)、职业健康安全管理体系(GB/T28001-2001)和HCCAP体系、QS认证的公司。 十数年的积累和持续发展,海普依赖自己研发的各项专利技术,使公司综合实力达到了国内同业地位,也获得了客户的信赖和认同,不仅拥有了泸州老窖、剑南春、汾酒等众多国内名优酒企客户,而且产品先后出口至东南亚、俄罗斯、乌克兰、欧洲、美国、澳洲等和地区;2006年,海普通过了国际上知名酒业公司的考察认证,纳入其全球采供体系,现已成为Diageo、San Miguel等国外知名酒业公司的亚洲供应商,赢得了国内同行业多的出口订单。 Located in Yantai China, HICAP was founded in 1993. After about 20 years' constant efforts, our company now takes the lead in the domestic closure industry. At the same time, three subsidiary companies were founded: Yantai HICAP Closures Co., Ltd. Deyang HICAP Closures Co., Ltd. and Luzhou HICAP Closures Co., Ltd. It’s capable of producing various-sized aluminum caps, wine screwcaps, plastic caps and full range of non-refillable caps. Covering an area of 30,000 square meters, HICAP owns an asset of about USD 80,000,000. The nnual output of anti-theft aluminum closures and aluminum plastic PP caps can reach 1,000,000,000 pieces, plus another 5,000 metric tons of printed tinplate and aluminum sheets. We are the first company to develop aluminum PP caps in China and own ten patents both home and abroad. HICAP was appointed to draft out the national standard for aluminum PP caps in China. In 2001, our company gained the title of "Star Patent Enterprise of Shandong Province" Our products are adopted by many famous breweries and pharmaceutical producers, such as Diageo, Ginebra san Miguel Inc, Peter Lehmann, Kalleske, Howard Park and SBB etc. Our products now export to Russia, Europe, America, Philippines and Southeast Asia and we are the only cap supplier of Diageo in Asia.